Tatami Studio

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Creative Expression – A Study Group For Men

Creative Expression – A Work Group For Men

The world has been created by feminine and masculine forces. Every man is unique. Every man has a different expression of his masculine energy.So when one man expresses forward movement, it may look like building a house. When another man expresses forward movement, it may look like sprinting in the Olympics, another man may express that forward movement through acting in a play. It's totally dependent on that specific man. But, a man cannot fight masculine energy and be healthy.

The work begins with recognizing the qualities of your masculinity. Making sure that we are stepping into those qualities consciously and then allowing them to come through yourself and into the world. Only then we have the opportunity to embrace our Truth. This is an invitation to any man who wishes to engage in honest conversations of masculinity. Through conversation we will unearth the Truth we are called to be.

Working with the Law of Seven and the enneagram we will explore the life experiences that make us who we are, and reveal what is truly important in us to take to the world. Teachings are only wisdom when they are experienced. This is why conscious movement will be incorporated into each gathering time.  All participants will be lead in Aikido exercises and Dru meditation and yoga techniques to ground what we learn in our bodies.

his group is open to anyone who identifies as a man. No previous enneagram or Aikido experience needed. In eight months-time you can either be in the same place or a better place. It is up to you.

Dru Grounding my Body’s Wisdom Dru meditations and yoga techniques, are inspired by the teachings of Francis of Assisi and Mahatma Gandhi. Dru comes from the Sanskrit word dhruva which means ‘coming to a still point’. Using Dru techniques we will, not only engage our heads and our hearts in new teachings, but we will also embody these teachings, thereby anchoring the wisdom.

“From what you get, you can only make a living. By what you give, you can make a life.”


Dale Bially and Ama Mann
Limited to 16 participants


Friday Evenings 7PM to 9:30PM CDT
2023: November 3, December 1
2024: January 5, February 2, March 1, April 5, May 3, June 7


The full fee for the eight sessions is $75 per class. This can be paid in advance or at each class. A discounted fee is available for those in need. Please contact Dale (dale@inscapescanada.com) to find out more.


To register contact info@tatamistudio.ca


Tatami Studio, 1178 Sanford Street, Winnipeg, MB