adult AIKIDO (ages 15+)
Tatami Studio is honoured to have been given the name ‘Winnipeg Aiki Shuren Dojo’ from Mark Larson Shihan.
Tatami Studio has a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. It is also a place of serious study, mindful of the martial arts tradition and purpose. Training in Aikido can be physically challenging, but is not necessarily so. Students work at their own level of physical ability and stamina, relaxing when necessary, challenging themselves when appropriate.
We encourage you to come down to the studio to watch or participate in any class for free! Send us an email to let us know that you are coming.
Aikido Student Handbook
Adult Aikido Kyu Rank and Dan Testing Requirements
Aikido Weapons Curriculum
Meet the Tatami Instructors Sensei Ama and Sensei Maria!
Sensei Maria
Sensei Ama
“I can seriously say that there is nothing that can be sold or purchased under the sun that can affect your entire being as effectively and positively as the study and practice of Aikido at Tatami Studio under Ama Sensei. My experiences on and off the mat will forever be a valuable asset in my life. ”
“If you are interested in exploring the world of Aikido, either as a beginner or as an experienced black belt, I highly recommend Tatami Studio Aikido dojo as the place to expand your training and knowledge.”
Tatami Studio’s Winnipeg Aiki Shuren Dojo - is a traditional dojo and we follow traditional ways. There will be plenty of bowing and Japanese terminology, which everyone picks up as they go!
Martial Arts at Tatami Studio
The Japanese martial art of Aikido is a comprehensive system of throwing, joint-locking, striking and pinning techniques, coupled with training in traditional Japanese weapons such as the sword (aikiken), wooden staff (aiki-jo) and the knife (tanto). Tatami Studio teaches Iwama Aikido as passed down from the founder O’Sensei Morihei Ueshiba (1883–1969), known to thousands of students of Aikido throughout the world as O’Sensei (Great Teacher).
O’Sensei founded the Aikido method after completing an extensive study of various armed and unarmed martial systems. Aikido represents a potent distillation of centuries of Japanese martial knowledge. It is one of the most widely practiced martial arts (budo), in the world. For O’Sensei, Aikido was a path of self-development.
Mark Larson Shihan and Ama Mann Sensei
How does Aikido differ from other martial arts?
Traditional Aikido is non-competitive and promotions do not come through beating an opponent, but through demonstrating understanding of basic exercises and techniques, which become more demanding or difficult as rank increases. In Aikido we strive to work in cooperation with a partner, still employing effective technique against an energetic and realistic attack, yet doing so by blending with the attack and redirecting its energy back to the attacker.
We practice techniques against a variety of attacks such as kicks, punches, strikes, single-hand or two-hand grabs from the front or rear, multiple person attacks, and attacks with weapons. In all of these we strive to resolve the conflict in a non-lethal, non-disruptive, yet effective manner.
Techniques may end in joint locks or immobilizations, or in dynamic motions where the attacker is thrown forwards or backwards across the mat, or through the air into a spectacular break-fall. Rather than primarily linear motions, Aikido is comprised of blending, turning, pivoting, circling, and spiralling. We are learning to deal not only with our own energy, but with that of another person.
Unlike other martial arts, Aikido technique can be applied at varying levels of severity, from the most gentle controlling techniques to the most severe countermeasures. Aikido can be flexibly adapted to whatever situation arises. This is the legacy of the samurai, who devised these techniques to face a bewildering array of assaults by single or multiple attackers.
Aikido embodies concepts which are very simple and at the same time very complex. Because of this, Aikido can be very challenging to learn. At the same time it can be very rewarding, ultimately bringing us into harmony with ourselves and with our world, helping us become complete and integrated human beings.
Aikido as a form of self-defence
Aikido is a very effective martial art for self-defence, not only because it teaches us how to defend against a variety of attacks, but because it trains our state of mind and physical condition. Improved posture and breathing help feel connected physically and a positive state of mind affects how we move in the world and how we are perceived by others.
The ability to maintain physically centred and mentally calm helps us with stressful situations, increasing the ability to resolve conflict in a variety of situations (in the dojo, on the street, at school, in a business meeting or at home). Aikido also helps us develop our sense of well-being, awareness and compassion.
Physical benefits of Aikido
Aikido training is an excellent program for all-around physical fitness, flexibility and relaxation. Rather than working one muscle at a time, the student learns to relax and move from the centre of the body where we are most powerful.
Power is then extended out naturally through the relaxed limb which become almost whip-like in its motion.
Aerobic fitness is obtained through vigorous training. Flexibility of the joints and connective tissues is developed through various stretching exercises and through the techniques themselves. Relaxation is learned automatically - without it the techniques will not function. A balanced use of contractive and expansive power is mastered, enabling even a small person to generate enormous energy and self-defence skills.
Psychological benefits of Aikido
Aikido training does not view the body and mind as separate. The condition of one will affect the other. For this reason, the physical relaxation learned in Aikido naturally becomes mental relaxation. Likewise, the perseverance and confidence that develop mentally are manifested in a body that moves and holds itself confidently.
Aikido training requires the student to face conflict directly and not to avoid it. Through a training of discipline, an Aikido practitioner learns to face the situations of life in a proactive and constructive manner. Patterns of avoidance and fear are broken. The tense, defensive reactions to pressure and conflict, which so often create more violence, are recognized and deconstructed.
A new person – straightforward, brave yet humble, able to be both strong and yielding as circumstances require – can emerge from this training.
Free Class!
Drop in for a free class and meet the instructors! Simply fill out the form below and we will be in touch within one business day. Looking forward to meeting you and having you join us on the ‘Tatami’ mats!
‘Ama Sensei teaches not only the physical aspects of Aikido, he teaches the art of peace!’
—Sean, Tatami Studio student
New to Aikido?
Tatami Studio has a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. New students are integrated into regular classes, so beginners benefit from training with experienced students. No need to worry about being pushed to train at an uncomfortable pace as everyone works at his or her own level. Comfortable, loose fitting clothing is all you need to bring.
We encourage you to come down to the studio to watch or participate in any basics Aikido for free, simply, send us an email to let us know that you are coming.
Jim Sullivan Sensei and Ama Mann Sensei
How to get started and what to expect
Try a class for free! You can attend as many of the basics classes as you want, but aim to attend at least 2–3 classes/week. Set yourself a schedule and stick to it!
Your first Kyu test will be in 4–6 months, depending on your training frequency at which point you might consider purchasing a weapons set with carrying case. With consistent training, you will be able to test for black belt in about 5 to 7 years.
“Ama interprets the deeper teachings of the peaceful philosophy of Aikido, something I find is essential to this Martial Art. Classes are organized, the club is clean, the atmosphere is friendly and respectful. Everyone who walks through the door is made feel welcome and treated with respect and kindness. ”
Sign Up!
Tatami Studio News
Special offers, upcoming events and information on classes and techniques.
The studio offers seminars and community building events throughout the year.
In Aikido great attention is paid to weapons
Why should we practice Aikido with weapons that are not used these days, such as the sword (aikiken), wooden staff (aiki-jo) and the knife (tanto)?
The answer is that training with these weapons allows the most important skills in Aikido to be developed quickly. It is difficult to acquire these skills having nothing in your hands. Training with weapons can assist with proper stance, correct distance, and timing.
Consider purchasing your own Jo and Bokken set. Tatami Studio sells a specially designed set for Aikido practices made of solid White Oak, developed by Iwama Ryu Aikido and made in Japan. This weapon set has been ordered from the UK especially for students of Tatami Studio for it`s superior quality and craftsmanship.
“I have found the dojo at Tatami Studio to be a place where I feel secure and confident because I am training with an aikido ‘family’ who I trust to give me honest feedback.
The training on some days can be challenging both physically and mentally, but Tatami Studio is a family that supports it’s students. ”
Aikido in Daily Life
The practice of Aikido must ultimately be practiced in our daily lives from moment to moment. Every moment of life involves some sort of conflict either with others, with our environments, with our bodies or with ourselves. And yet, it is our choice to see this conflict as something to be avoided or as a creative force of change which makes true growth and learning possible.
In order to develop one’s true potential, discipline and refinement is necessary. In order to develop awareness, decisiveness, inner power and compassion, we must experience the hardship and work of facing life with openness. Viewed in this way, life becomes rich and filled with meaning. Every situation is used as a springboard to greater growth. We learn to open ourselves to experience, rather than shunning unpleasant aspects of life. Our minds expand, and we become strong.