In July, Ama Sensei attended the 15th Anniversary/Memorial Seminar in the San Francisco Bay Area.
This is the city where Morihiro Saito Shihan took his first trip outside of Japan to teach his first International Seminar in 1974. Ama Sensei was fortunate and honored to have trained with an amazing line up of instructors who shared their accumulated knowledge, experience, and technical insight gained over several decades as direct students of Morihiro Saito Shihan.
Anniversary/Memorial Seminar in San Fransisco Bay area.
Mark Larson Sensei, 6th dan.
Mark Larson Sensei, 6th dan and Ama Mann Sensei.
Some of the instructors who attended the seminar were:
- Bill Witt Shihan, 8th dan
- Pat Hendricks Shihan, 7th dan
- Bernice Tom Sensei, 7th dan
- Kim Peuser Sensei, 7th dan
- Mark Larson Sensei, 6th dan (our teacher)
- Jason Yim Sensei, 5th dan
- Michael Field Sensei, 5th dan
- Rob Okun Sensei, 4th dan
- Bruch Mendehall Snsei, 4th dan
upcoming winnipeg seminar
Aikido Seminar with Mark Larson Sensei 6th dan
Hosted by Tatami Studio – Winnipeg Aiki Shuren Dojo
Saturday October 21 – Sunday October 22, 2017
Learn more
Please join Tatami Studio–Winnipeg Aiki Shuren Dojo for a weekend of training with Mark Larson Sensei 6th dan
Mark Larson Sensei, 6th dan.