Peace Pole Planting at Winnipeg’s Tatami ‘Aikido, Yoga and Meditation’ Studio!
We planted our Peace Pole during our Annual Aikido Seminar Oct 19, 2019.
The Peace Pole Project – May Peace Prevail on Earth!
Tatami Studio hosts an annual seminar, on the third weekend of October. Our Aikido friends from around the world travel to join us, here in Winnipeg. Friends from Denmark, Sweden, Japan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Nevada, New York, Tennessee, Washington, Charlotte, Florida travelled to be with us for our annual event!
Aikido is a Martial Art that is also a ‘Budo’ a Japanese word that means, 'martial way of living and being'. Aikido’s founder Morihei Ueshiba, known as O’Sensei, developed Aikido not only as a Martial Art and Budo but as a way to bring peace to our world. His vision was to help build a peaceful world and believed Aikido could help in this cause, and called Aikido the Art of Peace.
Planting and unveiling our Peace Pole during this year’s Aikido seminar, during a time of such unified energy, and having our friends from around the world join us, was the perfect time!
Both Ama and myself are Dru Yoga Instructors and Ama is also a Dru Meditation instructor. The International Dru Training Center in Wales England is where we received our certification. They are also the founders of the World Peace Flame.
The story of this flame is a beautiful one. Seven flames around the world were brought together to make one unified flame. One of neat things about this is that the Canadian Flame was lit here in Winnipeg by a First Nations Ojibwee Chief named White Wolf, an ambassador of peace. This happened years before we even knew about it.
For more information on the World Peace Flame please visit the Tatami Stuido site or The World Peace Flame site to read more about it and how this flame is uniting our world. For more information on the Peace Pole Project please visit the World Peace site.
We are ambassadors of The World Peace Flame and have a World Peace Flame lantern in our studio as well. The original World Peace Flame monument is located in Wales England at the International Dru Training Centre. Since the World Peace Flame’s birth there are hundreds of monuments around the world, with the same unifying intention–World Peace.
Our lineage, from both Dru Yoga, Dru Meditation and Aikido, share the same vision; one of peace and harmony as represented by the World Peace Flame. And now our new Peace Pole is another beautiful visual reminder to have in our space to continue the beautiful vision and mission of World Peace. We thought having ‘May Peace Prevail on Earth’ written in English, Japanese, Sanskrit and Ojibwee on our Peace Pole was a perfect way to honour our lineages and roots!
Aikido-Japanese, Dru Yoga and Meditation-Sanskrit/East Indian (founders of Dru and The World Peace Flame), Ojibwee-for the Chief that lit the World Peace Flame (Winnipeg as a large First Nations Ojibwee population in our city), and lastly English, the language that most of us speak in North America.