I was so lucky to be one of the participants on this Aikido Japan Tour with Mark Sensei! Our group journey began in Tokyo as participants in the 57th All Japan Aikido Demonstrations in Tokyo at the Budokan Arena and then training with the Doshu at Hombu Dojo.
Seeing the Doshu and Mark Sensei greet each other with a heart-felt hug, warmed my heart. We also were privileged to train at the Iwama Dojo (O’Sensei’s Dojo and after his passing it was left to Morihiro Saito Shihan). We were so fortunate that Mark Sensei arranged a private class with Isoyama Sensei, the highest ranked Aikido Sensei and student of O’Sensei. He and the training was totally intense, but awesome! We also were blessed to visit Morihiro Shihan’s grave site and his family. Hitohira Sensei (Morihiro Saito Shihan’s son) showed us some of O’Sensei’s personal artifacts such as his personal bokken and writings. I was able to hold O’Sensei’s bokken. AWESOME!
We were uchideshi at the Iwama Dojo and were able to train with and meet some of Mark Sensei friends, Sempai and Aiki brothers from all over Japan. They were fortunate to all be students of Morihiro Saito Sensei. They came from all over Japan to see Mark Sensei—it was like Saito Sensei sent them all to visit him—us! At the Iwama dojo we met Yasuhiro Sakatani, Saito Sensei’s student. He and Mark Sensei, reminisced what it was like back in the day training with Saito Sensei and up to his final hours on his death bed. Both men had such love and admiration for their Sensei, as they spoke passionately and fondly of the days gone by. Those that could not come to Iwama we met at Kawabe Dojo and Nices Arena in Akita, where we were all part of the Annual Taidokai Budo Festival & Demonstrations. This is were I was gifted the big banner (see picture below) with the beautiful calligraphy written by Tokusei Takahashi Sensei. We met Akihiko Hiwatashi, also Saito Sensei’s student, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Shibata Sensei’s student, Teruo Tsuihiji, Mark Sensei’s Sempai and Saito Sensei Student. Teruo Sempai was the first person Mark Sensei met in Iwama other than the Saito Family. We also met Yoshinori Takano, another student of Saito Sensei and Tokusei Takahashi, Mark Sensei’s Budo and calligraphy teacher…and so many others. I loved being a part of this Aiki Family!
– Maria Ferraro
Training at Hombu Dojo in Tokyo Japan with the Doshu (O’Sensei’s grandson).
Training at Iwama Dojo with Isoyama Sensei, the highest ranked Aikido Sensei and student of O’Sensei.
“I am grateful and moved to have shared in this experience and journey with those I travelled with from Sweden, Minnesota, New York and Washington. I was so fortunate to have met such big hearted people, beautiful places and so many memories made. Not many people can say that they have been where we’ve been, seen and trained where we have trained, with some of the most famous and high ranked Aikido teachers.”
Yomiuri Shimbun Newspaper Article, published on June 20, 2019 in Akita, Japan. The picture caption of Maria throwing Antonella from Sweden at the Budo International Friendship Seminar and Demonstration reads: "Aikido Taijutsu - Throwing so flawlessly."
My lil’aiki-sis Antonella from Sweden and I made the Yomiuri Shimbun Newspaper in Akita, Japan, published on June 20, 2019!
Our whole group was mentioned as Mark Larson’s (Dojo-cho) students ‘Minnesota Aiki Shuren Dojo’. The picture caption reads: "Aikido Taijutsu - Throwing so flawlessly."
The Budo International Friendship Seminar and Demonstration at the Nices Arena in Akita Japan. Calligraphy banner kanji written by Tokusei Takahashi Sensei during the opening ceremonies was gifted to Maria. (kanji translation: Spirit, Mind, Body Connection). This is now displayed in our dojo above our Shoman!
Here is a translated summary of the article: “Nice Arena in Yuri-Honjo City had 12 groups and about 70 people join the Budo International Friendship Seminar and Demonstration. There were people from Canada (me) Sweden (Antonella) and the USA (Mark Larson Sensei from Minnesota, Charles and Will from Washington, Scott from New York and Ric, Jason, Joe, Ozzie and Carolyna). Minnesota Aiki Shuren Dojo demonstrated Taijutsu and Bukiwaza and throwing the opponent with flow which took the audiences breath away. Dojo-cho Mark Larson learned Aikido in Akita and Iwama, then went back to Minnesota and opened a dojo.”
Our group at the Budokan Arena in Tokyo for the 57th Annual All Japan Aikido Demonstrations (representing the USA, as Mark Sensei’s Minnesota Aiki Shuren Dojo).
The article then talked about Mark Larson Sensei’s heart felt speech about the Aiki Way, Budo and peace. It reminded me how through Budo, we learn how to live life as warriors on and off the mats, with respect and love for all living things. I loved it! I’m glad they put what sensei said into the paper for everyone to read! I love this Art, and I have no words to explain what it is like to find a teacher like Mark Sensei who can encompass an aiki heart on and off the mats and who’s Aikido skills are seriously precise, powerful, effective, and just awesome! It’s hard to believe this amazing experience had to come to an end, but it’s memories will remain with me throughout my life.
For all of this we are all forever grateful to Mark Larson Sensei. Words cannot express what is in our hearts. You have all of our love Sensei. Thank you for being you and sharing this experience and journey, your aikido and your heart with us. You are a true Bushido Sensei with Aiki Spirit—heart, mind and body, inside and out. A Sensei that is most definitely ‘True to the Way!’
– Maria Ferraro